Master Key Journey with Susan

Reflections of a new journey

Week 22A: A Life Long Cast On

Journey Overview:

yellow-brick-roadWhat? A week of self- direction and how does that apply to me?  Week 22 A is a combination of review and preparation.  I have been given an outline, a schedule, tasks, and multiple readings.  Habits have been formed or at least started, priorities and decisions have been made with positive non-judgmental thoughts, and actions or non actions have moved me forward to seeing my true colors and my real self.

Now I am going to weave a tale and play on words as I continue down the “Yellow Brick Road” to taking action on my own self direction.

Seasons of Color:

In knitting, you begin a project by casting on the yarn onto the needles.  Many times a “long tail cast on” is appropriate.  Week 22 A is clearly about my “Life Long Cast On“.  Starting the journey thinking this was a 26 week course and now seeing it is really a life long journey.    seasons

Og states in Scroll VI:

” The tides advance; the tides recedes.  Winter goes and summer comes.  Summer wanes and the cold increases….Flowers bloom; flowers fade.  Seeds are sown; harvests are reaped….My moods will rise; my moods will fall.

Today I will be master of my emotions.”

For me desires come; desires go. However, one thing that remains constant is my focus for the priority or task at hand.  Family is here, and family is gone.  There is nothing more important for me at this time than to have quality time, love, and support with Grandpa.  His bloom is fading.

Silence and Creation:

Taking advantage of the silence as Grandpa sleeps, I have time to focus my energy on creating a project, while monitoring his breathing patterns.  This time allows me to reflect on my business decisions and take a close look at my own timeline.

yarn ballContinuing my habit of a daily sit of at least 15 minutes of stillness and quiet time, works cumulatively on  thoughts and actions to accomplish my dreams and goals.  Another way to look at it is like a ball of variegated yarn.  Looking at the colors in the yarn ball, I do not know how often the colors will change or the pattern they might create.  However, as I continue to knit and create my project the results start to show in a magnificent pattern.  When the ball comes to an end, I have the choice of starting another ball in the same color sequence, changing the color all together or just attaching to see what colors fall next.  So whatever I choose, I am still creating.

Therefore, the sit is ongoing.  My plans and goals may change as the ideas of my life adapt to current situations and to build out how I want to live the next 20- 40 years of my life.

Final Project:

Just like knitting, when one project is complete another gets started so goes my goals and dreams.  Sometimes, I have 2 or more projects going at once as I work to design different areas in my life to feel and be complete to fulfill my world within.   glove

Actually there is never a final project, because I know I am creating and changing as long as I breathe.  May the projects continue with imagination and desire!  My life is my design!


Week 22: Silence, The Most Intimate Connection

Noticing Silence:

Being silent to feel a connection with “Him” is the exercise for Week 22.  Let your imagination run wild on Silencewhat “Him” means for you.  This phrase stumped me the first day I read it.  However, I am choosing to write on how it corresponds to the Master Keys System and the Universal energy that is ever present and always available.

Some people pray in silence or out loud to God, or their higher spirit of belief.  For this matter, I will call “Him” God.   Interesting that my connection can be in silence to ask, speak, or praise and that I can receive answers in the silence as well.

Executing Silent Practice:

Reviewing my beginnings with this course, as I started with a 15 minute sit or meditation.  Even though it was a bit difficult in the beginning with regular practice it is easy now.

Other than a formal sit, some ways of being quiet or silent have been in my life for many years.  For example, much of the time I drive without the radio or music.  I prefer not to have the TV playing and I enjoy just knitting without conversation.  I have participated in yoga class and meditations and first learned about being silent from Personal Mastery from K & A.

Benefits of Silence:

The most intimate connection is Silence.  Here are a few benefits that I have discovered for myself.  It is the recognition of energy!  You are wondering how being silent and energy are connected.  It is through the silence that I experience energy and a deep connection to myself and others.

Depending on the situation, determines how I can use silence for my advantage to get through a process or be more productive.  Energy is everywhere, I believe there is no difference between good and bad energy,

magic carpet

it  is just energy and it is the emotion you attach to it that counts.

Silence, concentration and focus all seem to be related for me.  I do my best work and create my best ideas when I am in a quiet setting in the house or perhaps a quiet walk or sit outside with nature.  It is a time when my imagination is open for a magic carpet ride and all things are possible.

The Ultimate Communication:

perfect day quotes


So on this space, I close with the ultimate communication with “Him” , myself , and time.  It matters not if it is a moment, hours or days, it mostly matters that I recognize and practice daily this silent communication within myself to create a perfect day.


Week 21: Puzzles Seek Out My DMP

big pictureThe Big Picture:

This is so exciting knowing I have the power to create my DMP (Definite Major Purpose in life).  Week 21 seems to be about all the methods, thoughts, and actions that I have been participating in throughout the Master Key Master Mind Alliance.

When was the last time you worked a jigsaw puzzle?  Well, for me it was many years ago!  Really who has time for foolish activities and time wasters when I am going to work, cleaning house, participating in family events, getting the cat off the roof and so on and so forth.  Life is busy!

However, remembering the process of my puzzles and the valued  lessons learned from an early age relate to Week 21.   No matter what the size, how many pieces, or what the picture showed, it was a game of thought, concentration, determination and organization which produced the finished project.

Seek and Sort:

Pick a puzzle, pick a dream, pick a goal that is an attraction to my soul.  The process is the same.  It matters not if the puzzle is ten pieces or 5000 pieces or if my dream is to run a half marathon or make $100,000 dollars a month,  it is the process of seeking and sorting correct plans and actions to make it happen.

Puzzles, as the years pasted I continued to challenge myself in size and color.  Here is how my process would go:

  • Look at the box picture once
    • Inspires a dream
    • Demands focus
    • Creates detailed concentration
  • Sort
    • Get the straight edges                                                             jigsaw puzzle
    • Divide by color
    • Sub divide by shape
  • Work in Sections
    • By color
    • By items, heads, buildings or nature scenes
    • By time
  • Teamwork
    • Mastermind with Dad
    • Friends
    • My stuffed animals (talk it through)
  • Concentration
    • Silence searching for pieces
    • Music searching for pieces
    • Sleeping searching for pieces in my dreams

This is just amazing to me that I have practiced the skills of concentration, determination, masterminding, created a plan of action and I got my desired results.   Bring it on “Life”, I am here and ready to play Big!


It is true, I have all I need from my world within to attain my deepest desires in life.   From my readings this week, I will close with two sections that have created this post.

1.  “Do not hesitate to aspire to the highest possible attainments in anything you may undertake, for the mid forces are ever ready to lend themselves to a purposeful will in the effort to crystallize its highest aspirations into acts, accomplishments, and events.”  ~The Master Key Part 21, Section 17 by Charles Haanel

wayne live last day

2.  “This day I will make the best day of my life.  This day I will drink every minute to its full.  I will savor its taste and give thanks.  I will maketh every hour count and each minute I will trade only for something of value…….Each minute of today will be more fruitful than hours of yesterday.  My last must be my best.      I will live this day as if it is my last.”  ~ The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino

So it is, I have all the pieces of the puzzle available to me.  I have the skills, a plan of action, a mastermind group to support me and belief in myself.  It is through my continued effort to follow the plan that will put all the pieces together and I will see the results.


Week 20: Inspiring Me, Myself and I

Combinations:                                                                    tgfd_grade_8_poster_decision_making_co_

It is the power to think, reflect and apply that continues to move me forward.   Week 20 has long since came and gone.  Admittingly, I am not only late with this post, I am late for the post due this week.

However, I saw my true self shine this week and now I must figure out how to take that action and passion into all areas of my life.

It is true my PPN of Helping Others drives me.  The new trick is to use this particular gift to my advantage in creating my business and my dream life.

In Week 20 I am learning how to inspire me, myself and I through combinations and associations.

Me, Myself and I:

me myself and IAs for “me”,  I see it as my mind.  The mind is the parent of my body.  The mind is the source for control, rules and security.   The mind is the authority and does it’s best to keep me safe.

Next is “myself”, which lies in my solar plexus.  It is the inner child and core within me.  Myself is full of emotion, ego, and confidence.  The child challenges the parent.  Like children do, they experiment with their own feelings and change the rules to grow.

Finally there is the “I”, which is my spirit.  Spirit is my connection to the universe.  Spirit is my imagination, my gusto for life, and my ability to continue what I have started.  Spirit is endless and seeks continually accomplishments and success.

Closing Inspiration:

How do I inspire “me, myself and I”?  It is a combination of associations and determination to ensure a fluid imagination of creation.  Then, I apply some action to create my success.  Also, it is connecting with my mastermind alliance for support and encouragement.  As my presence supports the others, in return I have continuous support for my success.

It is taking the time to sit and think that makes my mind grow stronger to improve “Me”.  As my stronger mind improves, the child offers laughter and challenges to create a unique succes choice“Myself”.  Then, with a determined spirit, it rounds out my “I” to be the perfect someone that I am.

Wow! with that combination of people and spirit working together, I can create my desired life of success and dreams do come true.

It is great to have the opportunity to grow, the ability to choose, and the desire to go after my dreams. That in itself is success!






Week 19: Stand Up

Stand Up:

The things that  stand up and stand out in my mind and physical body is a good part of Week 19.   Racking my brain to get an understanding of the concepts from the Master Keys session this week and still stand in my power.

Interestingly I had a look at a you tube video about body language and power.  As I take in the speaker and content I realize Amy is repeating what I have already heard through out my life and yet she puts a unique twist on it.

Cheers to the Team:

So for my post this week my internal imagination is producing images, sounds, and posture from a very common activity.  Let the cheerleaders of the world be my example today.

Talk about reinforcement to my soul.  It resembles my activities for the MKMMA with a punch!


 So for me, my team represents: 

  • Self through my world within
  • Family how I provide through my PPN’s
  • Spirit as I am connected to all through the universal mind

Okay self this is it, my time is now, there is no tomorrow.  Live each day to my fullest and cherish each moment.  Radiate with a smile, shoulders back, and stand stall.

For my family I am to look at that “Gal in the Glass” with love and trust.  Know I have worked, played and slept with my personal pivotal needs as my focus toward my definite major purpose in life.

At last, I am spirit.  Every thought, movement, decision effects not only my world within; it also creates change in the world around me through the ether from my brain to the universe.

Finish Strong:

I am concentrating on completing this course as a basis for great new habits and growth in my life.   I am strong, I can complete what I start, and if I can write, say, and repeat it often enough I am living my dream now.


Week 18: Creative Charming Power

I Am Creative:

It is Week 18 and I am thinking about my power to create.  First I must believe I can create with power my life as I desire.  The building blocks have been laid in the  MK

MMA course.  I am focused on my DMP with many index cards surrounding me.


Just this one thing, index cards expresses and confirms I can create.  It is an idea in my mind, it is a vision how the cards will look, it is the action to make the card, and it is definitely my imagination,  emotion, voice and tone and colors that create the final outcome of a simple index card.

I Am Charming:

Oh! this is so good.  Now I believe I can create, so how do I want my power to look or feel while creating my life.  Once again my imagination acted and called in “charming” to my world within.   Reviewing  Week 18 and thinking about my power to create, let me define charming per google:

adjective Charming:

1. Pleasant or Attractive

synonyms:  delightful, pleasing, pleasant, agreeable, likable,

wed photo for charming

endearing, loving, lovable, adorable, appealing, attractive, good-looking, prepossessing, alluring, delectable, ravishing, winning, winsome, fetching, captivating, enchanting, fascinating, seductive, heavenly, divine,  and gorgeous.

Yes, I’m really liking the synonyms for my power.  It seems to cover all areas of my life from my spiritual beliefs to business, personal relationships, food, clothes, my home and  sex life.

I Am Power:

It seems from my lessons learned thus far, I am a spiritual being living in a human form.  Therefore, if spirit is a type of energy,  and energy is a source of power, then I must be a Powerfulpowerful human!!

Wow!  That is pretty cool!  Again, imagination, belief, desire all play a part in how effectively I acknowledge and use my special power.  It is through this power that my unique gifts shine to the world .

It is for me to accept and practice daily my power to become my very best to myself.  When I truly am acting, treating, and being the very best to myself is when my power radiates outward and affects others in this world.  I will call this my “authentic glow”.


It has been an amazing week.  I have seen creativity, charm, and power in so many people and circumstances.  The ability to recognize and be aware of the words, the meaning and the power that they represent shows it is already a part of me!


Week 17 HJ: Identity Transition

Hero’s Journey Week:

I am answering my call to life at my own pace.  Week 17-a or the Hero’s journey week has me reinforcing my beliefs through the MKMMA course so far.  Some will say this week is to reflect or review, however I am choosing to believe it is about reinforcement and strengthening my heroine within.

“Within me burns a flame which has been passed from generations uncounted and its heat is a constant irritation to AnsweringtheCallmy spirit to become better than I am, and I will.  I will fan this flame of dissatisfaction and proclaim my uniqueness to the world.”    ~Scroll IV, The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino.

Wall Flower Identity:

Remembering my youth, I once thought I was ugly, shy, stupid and no man would ever ask me to marry.  As with many other things in my life, none of the thoughts were true, except I was a bit shy (smile).               wall flower image

Here is one example, from my twenties that if I choose to apply the lessons learned, can reinforce my current journey.

I am a young woman in a small dance class.  The master teacher is awesome!  She is everything, I want to be.  She is graceful, precise, exotic, musical and has a dynamic stage presence.  Her name is Karina.

She is my second teacher of middle eastern dance.  I came to her class to learn and improve.  I stand in the back.  I am lost and confused.  It seems I really knew nothing and my confidence is shattered.

Karina sees more in me, than I knew I had.  I am totally embarrassed and my skin turns bright red, and tears well up every time she looks or calls on me.  I did not ever leave the class, though many times, it crossed my mind.

Identity Transition:  Sapphira

Time passed, isolated movements were practiced, costumes were made, and it was time to perform.  As a performer, a stage name must be given, so “Sapphira” was born.

Sapphira went on to teach beginning classes, choreograph dance routines, and performed at local clubs, festivals, and nursing homes.  She was exotic, graceful, precise, and musical.  Karina said her best characteristic was her powerful stage presence.

Now in my fifties, married for over 25 years and on my path to be my best, authentic self, I look back at Sapphira with new meaning.  She was a part of my life for many years.  The secret here, is to call on her again and invite her spirit and energy to live with color in my heart to inspire my passions!

Authentic Celebration:

Desire, imagination, and passion create my inner self!  I am being my true self.  Some days it may not be as exciting and exotic as Sapphira, however helping others, giving, and creating are passions and desires for me at this time.

Every day as I live with positive feelings and thoughts,  I am celebrating my life and my journey!


Week 17: To Be Equals I Am


kaleidoscope          My how time flies, when I am living in the moment!  Week 17 has been interesting as I have been a bit of an observer of others and myself.  First, my best friend from Washington state was here for a visit.  I observed her state of mind, comments, choices and scattered thinking along with her ability to make decisions.  Not only was I seeing her in a different light, the most shocking thing to myself was seeing my reflection in her.

Next, I say, that was the old me.  I am in a different place, due to the effort and devotion to this MKMMA course.  I feel the old blueprint starting to fade.  The new me is emerging with different thought patterns and actions.

Harmony With My World Within:

This is a journey for me.  The exercises, thought, lack of thought, time and participation all influence my world within.  I took one day off this week, busy with company (excuse),

Kaleidoscope_17to evaluate my inner self.  Humor is everywhere!  I know I have shifted.  Yes, company was an excuse.  Yeah!  I recognized it as an excuse.

I am calm.   I can create.  I have all the knowledge and power within me.

The basis for my self-confidence comes from all the exercises and the dedication to complete them with emotion, humor, reflection and adjustments. on any job or career.

To Be:

So, here it is according to my interpretation of the reading this week.  It is from Part Seventeen in the Master Key System.


     “….There is always the cry “to have” but   never the cry “to be”…..; it is only witunbounded self-confidence that the goal is reached.

It is all based on my desire.  I want “to have” a successful network marketing business, so I must “be” a successful network marketer.  I am not to wait until my business builds.  I am to act now, as if I have achieved my goals, which means choose actions and decisions with care and keep focused on my end goals.

I Am:

The wheels and cogs are spinning again.  Through my process of repeating affirmations,

which many read ” I am.. or I have…”,  the phrase above,  “to be” is a confirmation of  ” I am “.  This realization tells me ” I am a successful network marketer.”   Of course, if  I am being a
successful network marketer, then ”
I have” a successful business.

As the chain of events progress, then all of the above is my authentic truth and now it is just following my bliss and living with passion every minute of each day.


1309242976-13Network marketing does not have to be my one thing in life to thrive, eat, sleep and dream on.  It can be a great vehicle to provide self confidence, feed my ego, and confirm I can learn, compete and flourish in the industry.

The best part, is it will allow me to pursue my passions of volunteering, care taking, or hands on manual therapy as I choose.  It allows me freedom to give gifts, and treat others in an outward fashion that I feel from deep within.

This MKMMA has been the best class I have ever taken.  I can finish what I start.  I can focus.  Each is a choice and the new me is seeing more opportunities each day.


Week 16 Kindness: Norelco and Elephant Poop

Character Background:

Not so long ago, in a not so far away place there lived an old man named Grandpa.  In the same not so far away place just a few short miles from Grandpa, there lived a middle aged woman named Granddaughter.  Interestingly enough,  Grandpa, at 95 years old lived alone and his family was far away.  During the same season Granddaughter lived with her husband only four miles away from Grandpa.

Grandpa was a wise, white personality, showing great kindness and gratitude for the many missionaries and charities he supported through the years.  Grandpa had lived a full life of experiences and obstacles as many people do.

Since Grandpa had  served in World War II,  he was married, divorced, remarried to Grammy, had visited many states in his lifetime.  He took care of Grammy for many years and watched her sequence of events from her broken hip at an assisted living facility,  to surgery, to recovery or “torture” as he refers to it at nursing home, a floor in a hospital to her death.

He is determined to stay at home and wants no part of any facility.  Grandpa is aging and physically declining after he had an accident at home a couple of years ago.

Granddaughter is loving, caring, and compassionate.  She has witnessed the decline in Grandpa’s health and has volunteered to help look out for him.  Granddaughter is very busy and working on her goals for her definite major purpose in life.

Granddaughter has many talents, which she does not always see in herself, however others in the MKMMA, family and friends are aware of her talents and always give her support and compliments frequently.

Current Situation:

Granddaughter goes every day with compassion to see Grandpa.  Granddaughter is very thankful for the fun, loving, compassionate, considerate caregiver name Helper,  from Home Instead, that assists Grandpa five days a week.

Being an intuitive healer by nature, Granddaughter is constantly concerned for the well being of Grandpa.  She spends usually two to four hours a day on the days the Helper is there and makes two or three trips per day and several hours serving Grandpa on the days the Helper has off.

Grandpa has lost most of his ambition, since he has been using his walker.  It is difficult for him to get around and do much while holding the walker for stabilization, not to fall.

Norelco Way to View Kindness:

The Helper had introduced Granddaughter to Grandpa’s routine including, Norelco.  After getting a simple breakfast for Grandpa, Granddaughter knows shaving is next the normal day activity for Grandpa.  She plugs in Norelco and hands it to Grandpa, who sits in his automatic recliner all day and all night, except for meals and bathroom breaks.

Norelco 2       Granddaughter watches with curiosity the first couple of times, as Grandpa manipulates the Norelco all around his face.  Grandpa has been using Norelco forever and does not use a mirror any more.  Granddaughter is amazed how he still enjoys shaving.  Occasionally she gently places a finger on his chin, or turns the razor to the proper position, so he can remove the final whiskers.

After Grandpa shaves, she washes his face, and combs his beautiful wavy gray hair into place.  Sometimes she does a quick mini hair wash as his hair has permanent “chair hair” arrangement in the back, where his head is constantly against the chair .

Then with care, a good light, and a small clean empty trash can, Granddaughter sits across from Grandpa,  just a short distance in front of him and cleans up the Norelco.

Grandpa has instructed her how the razor works, and where the cleaning brush is located, and why it is important to clean the razor.  Granddaughter then proceeds to brush off the gray whiskers and brush each intricate part with love, knowing how important it is for Grandpa to have a clean razor to shave independently with ease.  Granddaughter notices the look of gratitude from Grandpa as she diligently finishes the process and puts all the pieces together and returns it to it’s proper location.

Others may think it is too much work, or that Granddaughter does not need to be there for such lengthy periods of time.  However, Granddaughter knows that they have bonded and have a special relationship.

Grandpa has shared stories of his parents and grandparents.  He has told stories on various grandchildren and has come to love Granddaughter at a deeper level.  Grandpa often expresses his gratitude for her visits.

Elephant Poop & Kindness:

Some days Granddaughter has other appointments and people that keep her busy.  She always finds time to pop in and check on Grandpa between appointments.  She explains her day and lets him know about what time she will return and leaves a snack at his side.

One evening on her return, Grandpa greets her with an immediate story.  Grandpa says that there is a mess in the bathroom.  Grandpa smiles and goes on to say that Granddaughter should bill her last appointment for the clean up labor.  Granddaughter chuckles, knowing she had missed an important time with Grandpa that she usually spends with Grandpa and goes off to clean up the bathroom.

As it takes Granddaughter a bit of time to clean up the area, Grandpa watches as she goes back and forth with gloves and cleaning supplies.  Then just as she is finishing the final touches on the floor,  Grandpa chuckles and says ” Did you think an elephant had pooped in there?”  Granddaughter and Grandpa laugh together.                      elephant-06

Granddaughter smiles and looks lovingly at Grandpa and reminds him how grateful she is that he made back to his chair safely.  For it did not matter how many accidents, poop or clean ups were involved, as long as she found him in his chair instead of the floor upon her arrival.

Another view of Kindness:

Granddaughter knows it takes a lot of trust to laugh at poop.  She watched Grandpa give up his car, switch from everyday clothes to pajamas and sleeping in a recliner instead of bed and she still sees his dignity and pride.  She also knows that Grandpa does not really ask for anything, so when he speaks, it is usually really important or needed.

Granddaughter sees the opportunity to be with Grandpa as very special time.  She is honored to be trusted and blessed to be able to give comfort, companionship and love to her last living Grandpa.

Grandpa is old, yet his mind is still clear.  He knows he is physically declining and is somewhat embarrassed to allow others help with showering and changing clothes.  Grandpa shows kindness to Granddaughter by offering her chocolates or a nap in the other room.  It matters not to him if they talk or not. He is happy, harmonious and peaceful when Granddaughter is in the house.

Moral of the Story:

Kindness is everywhere.  It has many perspectives for the same situation.  Kindness can be recognition of a simple task or expressed with words, expressions, money or hundreds of other ways.

The exercise statement from the Master Keys sums up my thoughts for this week:

” …Bring yourself to a realization of the important fact that harmony and happiness are states of consciousness…..”  

                                       ~ Haanel,  Part 16.37

In fact kindness, harmony, and happiness are all every day state of minds.  It is a choice to call them into my life and use them constructively.


Week 15: Insights on Water

Connecting Thoughts:

Well, Week 15 is here and my journey continues.  The reading this week in the Master Keys part 15 has brought so many experiences from the past to life.  As I ponder the exercise from the sit this week, based around “insight”,  I remembered a particular lesson from massage school.

Keeping in mind, the results from this MKMMA course are based directly to the amount of effort, participation and enthusiasm that “I” commit to and believe in myself.

Massage School:

Bhakti Academe School of Intuitive Massage and Healing, that is a mouthful.  Not only a mouthful,  it is where my shift in consciousness began.  I could write on for days about my experiences, truths, and skills learned at this special place, however, today it is as simple as water.

Since my first introduction to Dr. Masaru Emoto at school,  I have been more aware of words, their impact, and how words affect my life.   Now, as I am in process daily repeating affirmations, goal statements and my DMP (definite major purpose in life), the words of Haanel are bringing Dr. Emoto’s work to life.

” 14.  This leads to the inevitable conclusion that if we wish to express abundance in our lives, we can afford to think abundance only, and as words are only thoughts taking form, we must be especially careful to use nothing but constructive and harmonious language, which when finally crystallized into objective forms, will prove to our advantage.”  Haanel , part 15.14

The correlation was immediate for me.  Enjoy the video below and reevaluate some words or phrases you may hear or say through the day.

Conclusive Insights:

After a conversation with a close friend, thinking of the words above, and demanding of myself a better outcome for 2014,  I easily picked up the phone to extend business invitations.  You may be thinking, What does water have to do with a business?

Based on words to myself, and words I have heard for years from others, such as I don’t know who to invite, I don’t know how to invite, and it is hard to make cold calls,  all of those words and thoughts are from lack and poverty thinking.

Revisiting the ideas from Dr. Emoto, the video, and the continuous study in the MKMMA, caused another shift in my body of many cells made of much water.  Take in the Love,  Think in positive abundance, and Choose words carefull  that make me feel good and peaceful.  It seems all of those things are keys to my HARMONY.

When I am at peace and harmony, life, business, relationships all flow successfully.